- Proje Ismi ve typi:
Roof-Top Type Off-Grid Photovoltaic system. The total installed PV capacity is 3,120 Wp, with 12X260W solar modules, 1X5kVA inverter and 8X120Ah VRLA Battery from Solarland. The expected electricity yield is approximately 6.73 MWh / year.
- Sözleşmenin toplam tutari :
5,700.00 USD
- Süre:
3 gün
- Başlangic Tarihi:
- Fiili Bitiş Tarihi:
- Projenin SON Durumu:
- Proje Sahibi ve yeri:
private sector
- Ana Yüklenici (P) Ikinci Yüklenici(S):
- North Power Sirketin Sorumluluğu :
Design , Manufacturing , Delivery , installation ,Testing and Commissioning of 5KW solar off-Grid system