- Proje Ismi ve typi:
Roof-Top Type Off-Grid Photovoltaic system. The total installed PV capacity is 3,120 Wp, with 12X260W solar modules, 1X5kVA inverter and 8X120Ah VRLA Battery from Solarland. The expected electricity yield isapproximately 6.73 MWh / year.
- Sözleşmenin toplam tutari :
5,700.00 USD
- Süre:
3 gün
- Başlangic Tarihi:
- Fiili Bitiş Tarihi:
- Projenin SON Durumu:
- Proje Sahibi ve yeri:
private sector
- Ana Yüklenici (P) Ikinci Yüklenici(S):
- North Power Sirketin Sorumluluğu :
Design , Manufacturing , Delivery , installation ,Testing and Commissioning of 5KW solar off-Grid system